Wow! Right now I just have that by bubblee stomach, ultra stoked, zippy fingers that don't work well on an iPhone, really happy feeling. I think a number of things are contributing to this ethereal bliss, but here are a few. I sometimes over analyze my feelings because it gives tools as to how to replicate (or not!) them in the future.
Item number one I am overjoyed about : My pony Bindi is literally a rockstar. She has this amazing tempo and pace, jumps at all the right moments, has a relaxed swagger, and is sexy and she knows it.
Basically, we had an amazing jump lesson today where I didn't screw things up royally. I was where I needed to be when I needed to be there. End of story. We do her first full fledged Knox Farm 2 phase Novice tomorrow. I have even purposefully not jumped all the jumps on cross country as to "save" some of them for tomorrow as a test.
Item number 2 on the greatness analysis: I got a shipment from amazon with 4 awesome horse books; How Good Riders Get Good (Denny Emerson, Chris's friend, trained with Le Goff and DeNemethy, I follow him in Facebook, do you KNOW he is cool) 2 Podhajsky books, and the immortal Xenephon. I ordered a Mary Wanless biomechanics book, but it hasn't arrived.
Ergo, inspiration and ideas came in the mail today in the form of books, which is always exciting. I am already halfway through Denny's book, and brimming with happiness. Maybe I am not a completely hopeless horse freak who will never jump higher than I already do on my own two feet!
Item number 3: My Family is the cooooolest! I went to a family reunion in Utah a few weeks ago and wowzers, we had a great time. My brothers are all grown up and manly, my cousins are hilarious as usual, my sister is soooo prego it's adorable, and my parents are sweet and loving. Yay!
Golly gosh I can be a sap basket, but you know what? I think people should be loud and proud about when they are happy, and nothing is wrong with that. Because, when I am all bummed out about a bad ride, or lonely in the depths of a Chesterfield winter, I can look back at how stoked I was in the past. Take that sad people!