Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Well that was just a depressing last post, goodness.
Things are much better now! I have realized that my mood is based HUGELY on how my most recent ride has gone. Which may or may not be healthy... But it is true. Which is why my life is a million times more awesome after getting about 8 hours in teaching time from Chris within 2 days.
I have recently started riding Cookie. A totally gorgeous thoroughbred/Connemara cross that is a full sister to Andy, the other cross I was riding. Cookie is amazing. As Chris likes to say, "She is more trained than broke." Meaning... She doesn't have a million miles, and has never been off the farm (even though she is 13) but the riding she has had has all been by Chris, so she is perfectly trained, and an absolute joy to ride. Definitely the most well trained horse I have ever ridden. What a difference it is. It is so great asking for something, and getting a soft, calm, mannerly, smooth, energetic response. It feels amazing. So Chris gave me some lessons on her after not being ridden for a year, and basically said have at it!! I could definitely do my B dressage on her this summer if I decide I want to do that. A very exciting development indeed. The only bad part is feeling like I am undoing her training every time I ride, ugh. But let's hope it isn't too horrendous.
I have been on my lonesome this whole week and it has snowed about a foot. Talk about plowing my heart out. Oh, how I love snow blowers.
Other than that, status quo.
Hope everyone is doing well!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


It is so darn cold
Like little needles in hands
Weight in mouth corners

Helga is happy
Snow face on all the day long
Floppy, paws, a smile

Was talent present?
Most likely just a silly wish
A passion, why this?

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year

Happy New Year!
Lots if fun around the farm lately.
I pulled out my goals I made from last year and well.... I completed about half! Not bad, but not great either.
One of my goals was to stay at Knox Farm as long as possible. Guess that one worked out. Other goals I met included competing Bindi, learning to drive the horses, reading some horse books, learning new songs on the guitar,and keeping in touch better with the siblings. I think those all were successful.
This year has some big plans!! I have a LOT to do. Like...
Pass my HA rating.
Take my B dressage rating.
Ride my horse across the state if Utah.
Be a working student for Michael Fruend in Germany in November.
Sell Bindi :(
Have Gilbert Ground driving.
Break Bindi to drive.
Finish reading "Thinking Riding."

Master the sitting trot once and for all!!
And posting trot for that matter, ha.
I hope everyone out there still makes goals and plans for new year beginnings! I know it really motivates me, so I hope it helps you kick start your life into the direction you would like it to go.
Love you folks!! Have a most lovely new day.