Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Home for the Pseudo Holiday

I am currently the lucky passenger of Mama Mae and Papa Kay's vehicle on its way to Idaho. Back to Chesterfield!
The snow is laying around all pillowy and fat. Luckily the roads are great and we should make it home safely.
The few days at home have been amazing! I got to meet my niece Lydia who is a darling and smiles like Buddah. Her whole face is full of a smile and the cutest squinty eyes.
Some of the big events were the pie contest, visiting the Utah Natural History Museum, and the graduation celebration for Robert AND Mom, and Mom's 50th birthday. She still looks 30 though, so it's ok to say her age.
The Pie Contest was a very close race. We had 11 entries. Dad was the defender of Best Tasting and Best Looking awards from 2011 and we were all determined to not let that happen again. Alas, we err all surprised when an interloper, an intruder, a non-Landes took the first place prize with an amazing tangy, creamy, fruit jelly and raspberry topped pie curiously named Georgia White. An undeniable winner.
An evening of music was in order and we had quite the array of music. James blew our socks off with a swinging, bluesy, floozy version of Jingle Bells. Wowzers, impressed. Robert of course serenaded with his most sweet and elegant violin playing that left us silent. Papa Kay and Ryan pulled off a thick voiced rendition of Old Man River. Russell has one amazing voice that is still hard for me to believe and sang If Ever I Would Leave You.
Thus, the fam is doing well and it was a most lovely weekend. We all missed Adrienne and her family if course, but there is always next year.
Merry Christmas!

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