Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hanging With the 1%

Currently, I am literally texting someone who is complaining about being so bored at a mansion in Florida that all he has to do is drive his friend's porsche around. Disgusting/hilarious.
Yup, the Kentucky Classic driving evet has come and gone. A flurry and whirl that was a fairly large amount of work, and also a huge amount of fun. A couple of 16 hour days strung together means that bathroom breaks really are the only breaks. Yay for sitting down !
Activities include riding bikes from the campsite to the horse park, feeding ponies, grooming ponies, walking ponies, cleaning ponies stalls, more walking, more cleaning, clean harness, polish harness, clean other set of harness, clean clothes, clean aisle... Yup, lots of cleaning. Chris says if it isn't perfect, it isn't clean. Another zen piece of advice is, "It's not the application of sponge to the tack, it is the absence of dirt." Basically, just because you did the action, doesn't mean it's really finished or accomplished. Sacrament talk anyone ? ;)
I did alright as a groom, I just need to polish up my act some more, as usual, and not be so forgetful but.... I will get it eventually. It's a pretty fun job really. As long as lots of coffee is involved.
Phil and the ponies did incredible!! Marathon was definitely the most exciting. We cruised around a huge portion of the park. At one point, it was letting the whole team really gallop to pull up a grassy hill set between two whitewashed four board fences toward a tobacco barn that really took my breath away! Driving is intense. Phil really did his best yet, and the team is coming together.
Then, there was the costume party after. Sheesh these people can have a good time! Its the adage that those who know how to work hard definitely know how to play hard. Seeing "old" people dressed up in great costumes, singing, dancing, and general merriment is seriously awesome. It's like, "Why doesn't everyone know how to get down and boogie like this eh?" it's not just young climber folks. Met some really interesting people, and hopefully made some lasting friendships. Especially with people who have amazing accents, yahoo!
Overall, the show was a huge success and we all learned a lot and had a fantastic time. This week (thankfully) is much more laid back. It's the National Drive at the Kentucky Horse Park. Everyone and their miniature miles can show up and drive. Updates coming soon!

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