Sunday, October 14, 2012

Trek West

Trucking once again across the country with ponies and crew. It seriously seems like we barely arrived in Kentucky and it was already time to go home. Time flies when you are living at a horse park I suppose. This trip combined two of my greatest loves: traveling, and horses. Not necessarily together but that's how it seemed to work out this time. I loved meeting all the interesting people such as my new Spartan friend, Cambell's soup heirs, old very German men, the "Paso Fino people," families that live on thoroughbred farms, making friends with the espresso shop girl, and even seeing my old couch surfing/climbing buddy who works in the Red River Gorge who took me to dinner one night. I loved seeing how other world class drivers worked with and managed their horses. Driving is pretty dang cool I must say. I learned a whole lot and had some really memorable experiences thanks to my amazing boss/mentor/friend Chris. And of course Phil!
During the drive I am reading some of the books we got! Chris let Emily and I pick something out of the gift shop and we both got some quality books. I chose "Thinking Riding Vol. 1," which is a classic and is geared toward teaching how to teach. I also found a paperback copy of Reiner Klimke's book,"Training the Young Horse" I believe. And then Chris got a book by George Morris also about how to teach. She liked it because they both say all the same things and she likes to be validated :) So basically I am taking lessons from George Morris, ha!
Tonight we bunk in Kansas City. Wooooo... Hoo.
Definitely the very worst and depressing low point of the trip was not being able to see my beautiful sister Amelia and her lovely baby Lydia. And her awesome husband Matt of course. Really bummed! We would have had our annual Harry Potter feast but alas, that will have to wait. Sad.

1 comment:

  1. I just loved your reply to my question on the phone: "What's the most important thing you learned in Kentucky?"

    Your response: "That I am a wanted commodity!"

    Of course your dad said, "Wanted for what?" Sometimes he just needs to be slapped :) (Just kidding of course!)
